Basic Skill

Competition meant by the ability to use the knowledge andskills across the board and interactive contexts and situations that require the intervention of knowledge related to different knowledge, which implies comprehension, reflection and discernment considering the social dimension of each situation.

The curricula of primary and secondary schools include the eight core competencies that students must achieve at the end of basic education.

1. Linguistic communicative competence

Ability to communicate orally (talk and listen) and express themselves in writing and audiovisual languages, using ICT and the body, with management of the diversity of languages, with the proper use of different types of media and text and adaptation to different functions.

It involves knowledge of cultural diversity and the operating rules of linguistic diversity, as well as the strategies necessary to interact in an appropriate manner.

2. Artistic and cultural competence

Involves knowing, understanding, appreciating and evaluating a variety of cultural and artistic events, using them as a source of enrichment and enjoyment and considering them as part of the heritage of peoples.

In addition, is able to create words with the body, with all kinds of materials, media and technology tools, both individual and collective representations and to facilitate analysis of the performance of the individual to live and coexist in society.

Methodological skills:

3. Data processing and digital competence

It involves managing the information from and access to its transmission, all using different media, including the use of ICT as an essential element to inform, learn and communicate.

Implies a critical attitude towards the evaluation of the available information, comparing it where necessary, and to respect the rules of conduct agreed socially regulate the use of the information and its sources in different formats, and to join communities virtual learning.

4. Mathematical competence

It involves the ability to understand, use and relate numbers, basic operations, symbols and forms of expression and mathematical reasoning, both to produce and interpret different types of information, for further insight and quantitative aspects spatial reality and to understand and solve problems and situations related to everyday life and scientific knowledge and the labor and social world.

5. Learning to learn

It involves awareness, management and control of their own skills and knowledge from a sense of personal competence and efficiency, and includes both strategic thinking and the ability to cooperate, to self-assessment and the efficient handling of set of resources and intellectual work techniques to transform information into knowledge itself.

Personal skills:

6. Competition autonomy and personal initiative

Involves the acquisition of awareness and application of a set of values ​​and personal attitudes and interrelated (responsibility, perseverance, self-knowledge, self-esteem, creativity, self), emotional control, calculate risks and face problems and the ability to delay immediate gratification, to learn from mistakes and take risks.

And the ability to choose wisely, to imagine projects and carry out the necessary actions to develop personal choices and plans in the context of individual or group projects, taking responsibility, both personal as in the social and labor.

SPECIFIC SKILLS centered coexist and Inhabiting the World

7. Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world

Involves the development and implementation of the thinking of science and technology to interpret the information received and to predict and make decisions with initiative and autonomy in a world in which advances that are taking place are very fast and have a decisive influence on the life of people, society and the natural world.

It also means differentiation and assessment of scientific knowledge in contrast to other forms of knowledge, and the use of ethical values ​​and associated science and technology development.

8. Social and civic competence

Ability to understand the social reality in which they live, face coexistence and conflict using ethical judgment based on democratic values ​​and practices, and exercising citizenship, acting with their own criteria, contributing to building peace and democracy, and maintaining a constructive, supportive and responsible to the fulfillment of civic rights and duties.

The objectives and contents of each of the areas and curricular materials should take into account the comprehensive development of all the basic skills and, consequently, you will need from all areas and subjects are taken into account communication skills, the methodological , the personal and the specific, peculiar aspects that relate to their own discipline. The evaluation criteria used as a reference to assess the degree of gradual acquisition of different skills. To get a more accurate picture of how each of the areas and curricular materials pose these basic skills in the introduction of each requires and helps develop them.

The determination of projects and the operation of the center, organizing classroom activities, as well as extracurricular activities and can contribute also to the acquisition of basic skills.

The oral and written expression are fundamental tools for the development of basic skills and should be included in the development of all areas and subjects.

To advance the attainment of basic skills is essential to frame the teaching and learning environment in the following four areas:

"Learning to be and act independently

Learning to be and act independently so that everyone builds their own way of being and way of using this to develop in situations in schools and raise their own lives. Self-awareness work, construction and acceptance of one's own identity, emotion regulation, self-discipline and the development of learning strategies, critical thinking and responsible habits is essential for learning to be and act independently.

"Learn to think and communicate

Learn to think and communicate in order to promote understanding of the significant information and knowledge building increasingly complex. Search and manage information from different sources and formats, using different types of languages ​​(verbal, written, visual, physical, digital ...) in the communication of information, feelings and knowledge, work cooperatively and be aware of their own learning promotes knowledge construction and development of thought.

"Learn to discover and take initiative

Learn to discover and take initiative to boost the use of knowledge that is available to interpret reality, establish interactive dialogues and factual situations, promotes the construction of significant knowledge and increasingly complex and commitment to get engaged in improvement processes. Explore, experiment, ask questions and test hypotheses, plan and develop projects, find alternatives become key elements in the process of training of students.

"Learning to live and inhabit the world

Learning to live and inhabit the world so that men and women become active citizens in a democratic and participatory. Awareness for social belonging and community, respect for diversity, the development of social skills, participatory running of the institution school, teamwork, positive management of conflicts, the development of joint projects, favor social cohesion and the formation of people committed and supportive.