Tuesday, 19 April 2016

What is Skill ?

Skills - human exploration of the way to perform an action on the basis of the acquired knowledge and skills. Formation of skills involves improving self-control, handling activities in accordance with the best examples. Comparing students with their real actions show teachers techniques, establishing similarities and differences between them, amendments to the normal course of business, and his insistence on perfection - a prerequisite to strengthen skills. Accumulating expertise and producing skills, teacher equips students with rational methods of their use in different situations on the basis of creative thinking tasks for future action. The structure of the activities of students on mastering skills can be represented as a unity of the following components: awareness of personal significance of mastering skills; installation on the mastery of certain skills; updating of knowledge that underlie formed skills, etc.

Types of skills
Skills come in three varieties:

1  Combat skills
2  Trade
3  Transport

Combat skills
Combat skills - the most common in Orville. They allow the enemy or monster will depart this life, and the owner to live longer. They are very often used in the arena or in battles with monsters. Almost anywhere you can hear the distant thunder of air shock or stunned mosquito screeching roar. Reported cases where the hero can try to use the moment of danger unknown to his combat skill and wonder successful attempt.

Business skills
Business skills - the most mysterious skills throughout Orville. It is not clear how such a powerful, cunning and traders can get under someone's influence. But the power of skill knows no boundaries. Hero, applying the desired ability to merchant, the merchant can knock a discount on goods, and, having gone happy, leave it wondering what got into him.

Transportation skills
Transport abilities are also very common. Each hero wandered for many posts from the capital and by making what was required of him, wanted to get back. Here and help transport ability. The hero himself does not notice, as it turns out only a few pillars of the city.
Skills and abilities - still not clarified the relation between the concepts of <skills> and <skill>. Most psychologists and educators believe that the skill-psychological category higher than skills. Teachers practices adhere to the opposite point of view: the skills represent a higher stage of mastering the exercise and labor actions than skill.
Some authors by the ability to understand the ability to carry on a professional level in any activity, with the ability to form on the basis of several skills that characterize the degree of mastery of action. Therefore, skills preceded skill.
Other authors for the ability to understand the ability to carry out any action, operation. They have the ability to precede the skill, which is seen as a more advanced stage of acquisition activities.
A sign of formation of skill (or skills) is the quality of the action, not the automation: it is possible to automate and incorrectly performed action. - There are two types of monitoring the implementation of the action: a dynamic (with vigorous attention) and tonic (with a minimum intensity of attention). The first control is more concerned with understanding the action function, the second - with a tracking function for a program of action.
Knowing the man, and what to do, the formation of a dynamic stereotype and the emergence of a sense of self does not required a thorough and continuous dynamic control when formed skill. Action Automation is the ability to switch control of the action in the control of the result of the action and the ability to switch attention to the external situation.
The ability (skill) is the action to take in a certain way with a certain quality.
When a person is reading a book, checking semantic and stylistic content of it, then read the letters and words is done automatically. When he reads the manuscript to detect typos in it, then the control already sent pas perception of letters and words, and semantic side is written goes by the wayside. But in that and in other case, the person is able to read, and this skill he brought to the skill level.
Skills is automated-conscious components of human actions, which are produced in the process of its implementation. Skill appears as deliberately automated action and then functions as an automated way of its implementation. The fact that this action was a skill, means that an individual as a result of exercise gained the ability to carry out this operation without making her perform his conscious purpose.