Thursday, 14 April 2016

Communication skills

Communication is the easiest skill that we learn more in early childhood. Communication skills is the most difficult skill that we do not cease to learn all his life.

Why some people are able to without any problems in a matter of minutes to find a common language and to gain the trust complete strangers people, while others are unable to agree even with your family? Why does one even does not seem to be glittering man called "extremely nice man", and another - clever, righteous and sportsman - be avoided? The answer to all these questions is: these people have different skills. To learn how to pump your communication skill you will learn from this article.

One of the most effective and at the same time the easiest ways to improve your communication skills can be expressed in just one phrase: Be a good listener.

Although it sounds quite primitive and unpretentious, yet for many people it is not so easy to implement this advice. The ability to listen is that you do not just close the mouth to the other person had to insert a few sentences. You should really attentive and interested to listen to other people's words. This will not only help you to make contact, but also a great way to show respect to the interlocutor. When people feel such an attitude to him, it just changes the atmosphere of your relationship. Just think about how great you feel when someone you listened closely while you enthusiastically talked about the importance of the event for you.

All the people just want to be heard, and giving them the opportunity you will immediately gain a lot of friends. The key is to not pretend: follow the idea of ​​the story, ask clarifying questions, react to the key points. Sometimes it is not so easy, especially if your partner does not possess oratorical skill. Well, nothing is given for nothing, and if you for some reason want to gain the trust of this man, you have to sacrifice something.

In addition to the ability to listen, you may need a few more tips to help you improve your communication skills.

1. Never interrupt

This demonstrates a real lack of respect. Interrupting someone you signalization it explicitly: "I do not care what you say, I have to say is much more important things."

2. Do not finish other people's suggestions

Yes, the human mind is far ahead in the speed of speech features and at times and would like to help the other person to express a thought. In fact, by doing so, you will not help but show their doubts mental and oratorical abilities of the person and call in response to only the feeling of disappointment. So it is better to bite down their language in such moments.

3. Paraphrase

If you want to show that you truly understand someone, you simply repeat the key idea of ​​the interlocutor. Before you agree to anything or make a protest, just fix his understanding of what he heard. Half of the world's confusion stems from the fact that people think one thing, say another, and students understand the third.

4. Listen actively

As noted above, particular importance is your activity as a listener. Show your interest in the story, the narrator give feedback and thanks to the interlocutor does not take long.

5. Maintain eye contact

Do not look away on extraneous things, and focus on the speaker. Looking at the other man in the eye, you tell him that you are interested in his story. Stop all their studies and avoid distractions.