Country Knowledge

The Latin American Knowledge (EIC) is an initiative arising within the framework of the Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, held annually since 1991.

Basic Skill

Competition meant by the ability to use the knowledge and skills across the board and interactive contexts and situations that require the intervention of knowledge related to different knowledge, which implies comprehension, reflection and discernment considering the social dimension of each situation.

Communication Skills

Communication experts agreed that there are important and key points must be met in an effective communication with others. Especially in companies and institutions to leading a successful business that mastered these steps until preserves the success of the work system organization, as it could most of the staff with him.


Children with special needs that determined special education and education are entitled to free attendance at a public school for the provision of special needs education in ordinary classroom equipped with the necessary infrastructure, according to the Ministry's training program tailored to the specific needs of child and their personalized training program.

Health Tips

Health coverage during a short stay abroad If you are a national of an EU Member State and are suddenly taken ill while staying temporarily abroad-for holiday, business trip or spuds- entitled to any kind of health care that should be provided to you immediately, before they return home. You have the same health care rights as citizens insured in the country where you are.

Monday 23 May 2016

Greenhouse schematic

Global warming affects the Earth is comprehensive, the most obvious is to feel the temperature increased, but why the temperature will increase, which is closely related to the Earth "greenhouse effect", in general, as long as the atmosphere of the planet will have a greenhouse effect appropriate greenhouse effect, the planet is maintained at a temperature suitable for living organisms, too, if the greenhouse effect, Earth's overall temperature rise caused by global warming.

What is the greenhouse effect?

Like the greenhouse effect often used in agriculture to maintain the space temperature of the greenhouse, the Earth's atmosphere as greenhouse plastic sheeting, will surround the Earth into a greenhouse, when solar radiation through the atmosphere to the surface, some will be reflected back to the light and heat the space, the atmosphere at this time that some gases absorb heat and light, and is reflected back to the surface of the earth, so the earth is maintained at a certain temperature. The atmosphere absorbs light and heat of the gas, we called "greenhouse gases."

Global warming may happen?

Global warming is now performed formula, some people argue that the problem is that it is natural or man-made? Last year 'Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), "the United Nations (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winner) collection of huge human and material resources, the use of computer climate models after reckoning, in the latest" Climate Change assessment report, "said : global warming almost certain (95% chance) is caused by humans.

Who is affected?

"Global warming" has a special feature: the first is the poor people had to live, they do not enjoy the fruits of economic development, they have to withstand waves of famine, war  rich countries can temporarily pretend nothing, continued burning of fossil fuels, and carbon dioxide emissions, in exchange for room air conditioners peacefulness of life afflicted with life, the whole world is a disparity M-shaped society. This is not "robbing the poor to the rich," and what is "robbing the poor to the rich"!

If carbon dioxide emissions by area representatives of the country (top), and the number of death due to climate change (below), then this is the map of the world, respectively. Ironically, a large number of casualties is not carbon dioxide manufacturing country, Africa, India, the biggest casualties.

More trees, use of renewable energy sources like ??

IPCC report suggests global changes should be fully within 15 years of energy production, transfer from carbon-intensive fuels to wind, solar, nuclear and carbon capture technologies exist (to the recovery of carbon dioxide in the exhaust gas, stored somewhere) of thermal power plants and other low-carbon energy. If we again and again a decade, the cost of stabilizing the climate will become very expensive, Earth forever into an alien planet. In addition to a carbon tax in accordance with the amount of additional product carbon dioxide emissions, the real cost of carbon dioxide emissions reaction. Hot little people die?
"Global warming" will only make the impression as if the poles melt, sea level rise, polar bears will be killed, resulting in the most extreme weather only. UN study reported noted that temperature increases will cause some infectious diseases more rampant. The United Nations World Health Organization estimates that global warming caused more than 14 million deaths in the year 2004; in Africa, the number of additional deaths due to malaria by 2030 to reach 170 million, while the number of dengue infection worldwide in 2080 will be more to 2 billion. Climate change can also cause large-scale food production, fisheries collapse, and even lead to war over resources. Scientists have indeed found the history of the temperatures rise, the war turmoil have increased. When these disasters occur, people will accuse visible scapegoat, will not notice the enormous environmental invisible black hand behind. Like a physical deterioration, often sick people, but only you know piecemeal gap measures. IPCC pointed out that if people do not take action to reduce carbon emissions, the Earth's temperature will accelerate the rise in the 21st century can be further increased 4 ° C, sea level rise of nearly 1 meter. Just after the IPCC report, the scientists also found that several glaciers in West Antarctica have already began to collapse in global sea levels could rise by 4 meters extra 200 years, has been unable to save the human. I'm afraid the United Nations sharp correction expected to disasters, human civilization at stake.

IPCC predicted global average temperature. Black line on the left past the amount obtained by the temperature, the right of the red line can be seen as human beings do nothing result, the temperature is about to rapidly rise, almost everyone can live to see the disastrous consequences;? Blue line is in accordance with the IPCC We recommend that the results of 15 years of effort, or slow down global warming. (Source: IPCC AR5 WG1 Figure SPM.7a)

IPCC predicted global average temperature. Black line on the left past the amount obtained by the temperature, the right of the red line can be seen as human beings do nothing result, the temperature is about to rapidly rise, almost everyone can live to see the disastrous consequences;? Blue line is in accordance with the IPCC We recommend that the results of 15 years of effort, or slow down global warming.

Friday 29 April 2016

Knowledge of global warming

About global warming is now said and written a lot. Almost every day there are no new hypothesis, refuted the old. We were constantly afraid of, what awaits us in the future (I well remember a comment of one of the readers of the magazine  «We are so long and terribly afraid that no longer afraid"). Many statements and articles openly contradictory, misleading. Global warming for many has become a "global confusion", and some have lost all interest in climate change. Let's try to systematize the existing information, creating a kind of mini encyclopedia of global warming.

1. What is global warming?
2. Methods for obtaining information on climate change
3. Evidence of Global Warming
4. Causes of global warming
5. Man and the greenhouse effect
6. Factors that accelerate and slow down global warming
7. Possible scenarios of global climate change
8. The consequences of global warming
9. Methods of preventing global warming

1. Global warming - the gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the surface layer of the Earth's atmosphere and ocean, so all sorts of reasons (increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, changes in solar or volcanic activity, etc.). Very often, as a synonym for global warming, use the phrase "the greenhouse effect", but between these concepts there is a small difference. The greenhouse effect - is to increase the average annual temperature of the surface layer of the Earth's atmosphere and of the oceans due to the increase in the Earth's atmosphere concentrations of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, etc.). These gases act as foils or glass greenhouses (greenhouse), they are free to pass the sun's rays to the Earth's surface and trap heat, leave the planet's atmosphere. In more detail, this process will be discussed below.

For the first time on global warming and the greenhouse effect have started talking in the 60s of XX century, and at the UN level, the problem of global climate change, first announced in 1980. Since then, on this issue are scratching their heads, many scientists have often mutually refuting the theory and assumptions of each other.

2. Methods for obtaining information on climate change

Existing technologies allow to reliably judge the climate change taking place. Scientists in justifying their theories of climate change using these "tools":
- Historical annals and chronicles;
- Meteorological observations;
- Satellite measurements of ice area, vegetation, climate zones and atmospheric processes;
- Analysis of the fossil (the remains of ancient plants and animals) and the archeological data;
- Analysis of oceanic sedimentary rocks and sediments of rivers;
- Analysis of ancient ice in the Arctic and Antarctica (the ratio of O16 and O18 isotopes);
- Measurement of the speed of melting glaciers and permafrost, the intensity of the formation of icebergs;
- Observation of the Earth's ocean currents;

- Monitoring of the chemical composition of the atmosphere and ocean;
- Monitoring changes in habitat (habitat) of living organisms;
- Analysis of tree rings and the chemical composition of plant tissues.

3. Evidence of Global Warming

Paleontological evidence indicates that Earth's climate has not been constant. Warm periods were followed by cold glacial. In warmer periods of the annual average temperature of the Arctic latitudes it rose to 7 - 13 ° C, and the temperature of the coldest month of January is 4-6 degrees, ie, climatic conditions in our Arctic differed little from the contemporary climate of Crimea. In place of the warm periods, sooner or later come cooling, during which the ice reached a modern tropical latitudes.

The man was also a witness to a number of climate change. At the beginning of the second millennium (11-13 century), historical records show that most of Greenland area has not been covered by ice (which is why the Norwegian sailors dubbed it "green earth"). Then the Earth's climate became more severe, and Greenland is almost entirely covered with ice. In the 15-17 century, the harsh winter at its peak. Severe winters that time show many historical records and works of art. So on the famous painting by Dutch artist Jan van Goyen "Skaters" (1641) shows the mass skating on the canals of Amsterdam, the Netherlands is currently feeds a long time ago do not freeze. In medieval winter freeze even the River Thames in England. In the 18th century, it was noted a slight warming, which peaked in 1770. The 19th century was marked again the next cold snap, which lasted until 1900, and since the beginning of the 20th century has already begun a pretty rapid warming. By 1940, the number of the Greenland Sea ice has decreased by half, in the Barents - by almost a third, and in the Soviet sector of the Arctic ice area in the amount reduced by almost half (1 million km2.). During this time, even ordinary court (not ice-breakers) quietly sailed the Northern Sea Route from the western to the eastern border regions of the country. It was then recorded a significant increase in the temperature of the Arctic seas, was a significant retreat of glaciers in the Alps and the Caucasus. The total area of ​​the Caucasus ice has decreased by 10%, and the thickness of ice in some places fell on the whole 100 meters. Raising the temperature in Greenland was 5 ° C and 9 all Svalbard ° C.

In 1940, warming was replaced by a short-term cooling, soon to replace that, it's another warming, and since 1979 has been a rapid increase in the temperature of the surface layer of the Earth's atmosphere, which caused another acceleration of the melting of ice in the Arctic, Antarctic and increasing winter temperatures in temperate latitudes. So, over the past 50 years, the thickness of Arctic sea ice has decreased by 40%, and the inhabitants of a number of Siberian cities began to celebrate themselves, hard frosts that have long been in the past. The average winter temperature in Siberia rose by almost ten degrees in the last fifty years. In some areas of Russia frost-free period increased by two to three weeks. Habitat of many living organisms shifted to the north after the rising average winter temperatures, these and other effects of global warming we talk nizhe. Osobenno clearly about global climate show old photographs of glaciers (all photos made in the same month).

Melting glaciers in Austria
Photo of melting glacier Pasterze in Austria in 1875 (left) and 2004 (right). Photographer Gary Braasch
Agassiz Glacier
Photos Agassiz glaciers in Glacier National Park (Canada) in 1913 and 2005. Photographer W.C. Alden
Melting Glacier Grinnell
Photo Grinnell Glacier in Glacier National Park (Canada) in 1938 and 2005. Photographer: Mt. Gould.
Melting Glacier Grinnell
The same glacier Grinnell from another angle, photos 1940 and 2004. Photographer: K. Holzer.
In general, over the last hundred years, the average temperature of the surface layer of the atmosphere has increased by 0.3-0.8 ° C, snow cover in the northern hemisphere has decreased by 8%, while the sea level has risen by an average of 10-20 centimeters. These facts cause a certain concern. Stop global warming, or whether a further increase in the average temperature on Earth will continue, the answer to this question will appear only when there are well established causes of the climate changes.

4. Causes of global warming

So far scientists have not with certainty can say 100%, causing climate change. As the causes of global warming put forward many theories and assumptions. Here are the main noteworthy, hypothesis. On the other hypotheses can be found on our forum. There you can share your vision of the problem of global warming.

Hypothesis 1 cause of global warming is the change in solar activity
All ongoing climate processes on the planet are dependent on the activity of our star - the sun. Therefore, even small changes in solar activity will certainly affect the Earth's weather and climate. There are 11-year, 22-year-old and 80-90 years old solar activity cycles.
It is likely that the observed global warming is due to another increase in solar activity, which in the future can once again go on the wane.

Hypothesis 2 - cause of global warming - to change the angle of the Earth's axis and its orbit
Yugoslavian astronomer Milankovitch theorized that the cyclical climate change is largely due to changes in Earth's orbit around the Sun, as well as the change in the angle of inclination of the Earth's rotation axis relative to the sun. Similar changes in the orbital position and motion of the planets cause a change in the Earth's radiation balance, and therefore its climate. Milankovitch, guided by his theory, quite accurately calculate the time and the length of the ice ages in the past of our planet. Climate change, caused by changes in the Earth's orbit, typically occur over tens or even hundreds of thousands of years. Also observed at this time point relatively rapid climate change apparently occurs as a result of some more factors.

Hypothesis 3 - The culprit of global climate change - ocean
Oceans - a huge inertia of solar energy battery. It largely determines the direction and speed of the warm ocean, and air masses in the world, which to a large extent affect the planet's climate. At present, little studied the nature of heat circulation in the water column of the ocean. Since it is known that the average temperature of the ocean water is 3,5 ° C, and the land surface 15 ° C, so the intensity of the heat exchange between the ocean and the thickness of the surface layer of the atmosphere can lead to significant climate change. Furthermore, in the ocean dissolved therein large quantities of CO2 (about 140 bln. Tons, 60 times higher than in the atmosphere) and other greenhouse gases as a result of certain natural processes, these gases may be released into the atmosphere, significantly affecting the Earth's climate.

Hypothesis 4 - Volcanic Activity
Volcanic activity is a source of income in the Earth's atmosphere aerosols of sulfuric acid and a large amount of carbon dioxide that can also significantly affect the Earth's climate. Large eruptions are accompanied by original receipts as a result of cooling the Earth's atmosphere sulfuric acid aerosols and soot particles. Subsequently, in the course of the incoming CO2 eruption causes the growth of the average temperature on Earth. Subsequent long-term decline in volcanic activity increases the transparency of the atmosphere, and hence the rise in temperature on the planet.

Hypothesis 5 - unknown interaction between the Sun and the planets of the solar system
In the phrase "solar system" is not for nothing does the word "system", as in any system, as we know, there are links between its components. Therefore, it is possible that the relative position of the planets and the Sun may influence the distribution and strength of gravitational fields, solar energy and other forms of energy. All the communication and interaction between the Sun, the planets and the Earth is not yet known and it is possible that they have a significant influence on the processes occurring in the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the Earth.

Hypothesis 6 - Climate change can occur by itself without any external influence and human activities
Earth is so big and complex system with a large number of structural elements that its global climate characteristics are significantly altered without the changes in solar activity and atmospheric chemistry. Various mathematical models show that for a century, fluctuations in surface air temperature (fluctuations) can reach 0.4 ° C. As a comparison, the healthy human body temperature, which varies during the day, and even hour.

Hypothesis 7 - All because of a man
The most popular to date hypothesis. High speed of climate change occurring in the last decade, can actually be explained ever-increasing intensification of human activity, which has a significant impact on the chemical composition of the atmosphere of our planet in the direction of increasing the content of greenhouse gases in it. Indeed the increase in average temperature of the lower layers of the Earth's atmosphere on a 0.8 ° C over the past 100 years - is too high for the speed of the natural processes, such changes earlier in Earth's history occurred for thousands of years. Recent decades have added even more weight to this argument, since the change in average temperature occurred even more rapidly - 0,3-0,4 ° C over the last 15 years!

It is likely that taking place now global warming is the result of many factors. On the other hypotheses, global warming is happening, you can find here.

5.Chelovek and Greenhouse Effect

Proponents of this hypothesis, a key role in global warming man who radically changes the composition of the atmosphere, contributing to the growth of the greenhouse effect of the earth's atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect in the atmosphere of our planet due to the fact that the flow of energy in the infrared range of the spectrum, rising from the earth's surface is absorbed by molecules of atmospheric gases and radiated back in different directions, resulting in half of the absorbed molecules of greenhouse energy gas is returned to the Earth's surface, causing it heating. It should be noted that the greenhouse effect - a natural atmospheric phenomenon. If the world did not have the greenhouse effect, the average temperature of our planet would be about -21 ° C, and, thanks to greenhouse gases, it is + 14 ° C. Therefore, theoretically, human activities are the result of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, should lead to further heating up the planet.

Let's get acquainted with more greenhouse gases, could potentially cause global warming. Greenhouse gas number one is water vapor, its contribution to the existing atmospheric greenhouse effect is 20.6 ° C. In second place is CO2, its contribution is about 7,2 ° C. Growth in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide of the Earth is now causing the greatest concern, as the growing use of an active hydrocarbon humanity continue in the near future. Over the past two and a half centuries (from the beginning of the industrial era) the CO2 content in the atmosphere has increased by about 30%.

In third place is our "greenhouse rating" is ozone, its contribution to the overall global warming of 2,4 ° C. Unlike other greenhouse gases by human activities contrary causes a decrease in ozone in the Earth's atmosphere. This is followed by nitrous oxide, its contribution to the greenhouse effect is estimated at 1,4 ° C. The content of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere has a tendency to rise over the past two and a half century, the concentration of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere has increased by 17%. A large amount of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere of the Earth at different waste incineration. List of the main greenhouse gas, methane is completing his contribution to the total greenhouse effect is 0.8 ° C. The content of methane in the atmosphere is growing very rapidly, two and a half centuries, the increase was 150%. The main sources of methane are degradable waste into the Earth's atmosphere, cattle, and the breakdown of natural compounds, containing in its composition methane. Of particular concern is that the ability to absorb infrared radiation per unit of mass of the methane is 21 times higher than that of carbon dioxide.

The biggest role in an ongoing global warming discharged water vapor and carbon dioxide. They account for over 95% of the total greenhouse effect. It is because of these two gaseous substances are warming the Earth's atmosphere at 33 ° C. Anthropogenic activities have the greatest impact on growth in the Earth's atmosphere of carbon dioxide and water vapor content in the atmosphere is increasing after the temperature of the planet, due to increased volatility. The total man-made emissions of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere is 1.8 bln. Tons / year, the total amount of carbon dioxide, which connects the earth vegetation photosynthesis is 43 bln. Tons / year, but almost all of this amount of carbon as a result of plant respiration, fires, decomposition processes again in the planet's atmosphere, and only 45 million tons / year of carbon is deposited in the tissues of plants, swamps land and ocean depths.

Sunday 24 April 2016

Importance of mobile phones

Mobile phones have become part of the life of modern man. It is hard to imagine life without this convenient, small, multi-function device. The high pace of life requires our attention to what is happening, the need to stay connected and to have on hand a faithful helper. How many times have rescued a notebook where you store not only phone numbers but also anniversaries, cards codes, I have personally written a library subscription number. And the presence of a calculator - it's all the progress of civilization, the exact figures at any time without any problems. And his daughter is happy with homework (of course, provided that I do not see). Romantic nature to fully enjoy your favorite music, to somehow distract you can play the game, and time in traffic will pass quickly and quietly.

Buy phone today can be virtually everywhere in the market and in the store, specialty outlets, and can use the internet. I prefer online phone shop, there is no schedule, queues and intrusive sales consultants. Cell Phone Directory updated with new models, it contains a detailed description, liked model and its characteristics. Go to the site an online store can be a convenient time and at least every day, no one will bother councils, and in case of questions, the operator will always help with the choice and correct placing your order.

Mobile phone shops offer delivery at a convenient time and place that suits me exactly. Here you can select a fax from a good manufacturer, a brand new Smartphone, which is not yet in regular stores, and a variety of phones do not cease to amaze with new features and functions. Do not forget that the phone is not only practical thing - it is a stylish accessory that is easy to emphasize the presence of taste, or lack thereof. If you prefer a higher level of service, and you will also appreciate the time and myself, it's time to learn from my experience.
Today, mobile phone role in human life can hardly be overestimated. With this compact device at any time we can get in touch with their relatives and friends, colleagues, to learn interesting information we have. You do not have to strain your memory and remember the phone an old friend, who no longer recruited, notebook mobile phone is always at hand. Many in addition to contacts stored in the phone is still a lot of other information - write down their ideas and thoughts, credit card numbers, anniversaries, various files, etc. That is, the phone replaces us right notebook and flash-drive. And all sorts of useful software features, options which are equipped with modern cell phones do a small-sized multi-function device so that sometimes you wonder.

Today, the phone in our lives - it is not uncommon and is not a luxury, though some fifteen years ago, it was hard to imagine that even small children will be walking with a pipe in his pocket. And if while someone brave decided to dream up and submitted that the phones in the near future will be - touch screen, camera, video camera, radio, TV, internet, browser, flashlight ... to have such a person would look like I was crazy .

Cell phone in man's life is an indispensable tool, it brings benefit to those who value their time and are not willing to spend it in vain. Imagine how much we spend time looking suddenly need us things, if not in the pocket lay this wonderful contraption. Take, for car repairs and find some rare parts. Without the phone in our life, we would have to travel a bunch of shops and spend a lot of time. And then called, found out (found somewhere cheaper), I went and bought. Mobile phone use is obvious - to save time and money.

For the business person cell phone use is the ability to negotiate, to reach an agreement with our partners at any time and in any place. It is difficult to imagine how would fall productivity if businessmen and entrepreneurs have not been able to conclude a contract, to order or to solve some or other matters outside the office.

Mobile phone in the lives of some people, this is also part of the image. People buy certain models to show that they belong to any class. Of course, there is also quite the opposite, more than once noticed respectable man on a luxury car with the old model of the phone. But it is rather exception to the rule.

The mobile phone is useful for a person who is in an extreme situation? Those who fell into the difficult conditions and circumstances (perhaps, was a hair's breadth from death) knows what benefits, carries a cell phone. Often, it is a mobile phone saved lives, saves them from danger and help in difficult situations.

In recent years, cell phones have become an integral part of our lives. This is not surprising, since a high rhythm of life, the realization of the goals and objectives of everyday dictates the need to stay connected and to have on hand a faithful helper.
Just a couple of decades ago, the first mobile phones were released. They were big, uncomfortable to use, does not have the additional features and, moreover, could not afford a person with an average income. But over time, things change, and cell phones are no exception. On the contrary, their development is enormous pace. If at the beginning of its development tried to make phones smaller and cheaper, but today, having reached this respectable performance, mobile phones make a universal device that can replace voice recorder, camera, and even a computer.
Also changed people's attitude to mobile phones. Today, cell forgetting home, people feel uncomfortable. The inability to call relatives, friends or acquaintances gives a feeling of isolation from society. Although only a few years ago they quietly do without a mobile phone and found it an attribute of luxury.
So what does a mobile phone for the modern man? It is obvious that he has long ceased to be simply a means of communication. Ordinary conversation on the phone is gradually becoming a secondary function, disappearing in a huge set of functions implemented by a mobile phone. Listen to music, take pictures, play ... The list is endless. Thus, the mobile phone has become a multi-functional device that allows a person to use almost all modern technologies.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

What is Skill ?

Skills - human exploration of the way to perform an action on the basis of the acquired knowledge and skills. Formation of skills involves improving self-control, handling activities in accordance with the best examples. Comparing students with their real actions show teachers techniques, establishing similarities and differences between them, amendments to the normal course of business, and his insistence on perfection - a prerequisite to strengthen skills. Accumulating expertise and producing skills, teacher equips students with rational methods of their use in different situations on the basis of creative thinking tasks for future action. The structure of the activities of students on mastering skills can be represented as a unity of the following components: awareness of personal significance of mastering skills; installation on the mastery of certain skills; updating of knowledge that underlie formed skills, etc.

Types of skills
Skills come in three varieties:

1  Combat skills
2  Trade
3  Transport

Combat skills
Combat skills - the most common in Orville. They allow the enemy or monster will depart this life, and the owner to live longer. They are very often used in the arena or in battles with monsters. Almost anywhere you can hear the distant thunder of air shock or stunned mosquito screeching roar. Reported cases where the hero can try to use the moment of danger unknown to his combat skill and wonder successful attempt.

Business skills
Business skills - the most mysterious skills throughout Orville. It is not clear how such a powerful, cunning and traders can get under someone's influence. But the power of skill knows no boundaries. Hero, applying the desired ability to merchant, the merchant can knock a discount on goods, and, having gone happy, leave it wondering what got into him.

Transportation skills
Transport abilities are also very common. Each hero wandered for many posts from the capital and by making what was required of him, wanted to get back. Here and help transport ability. The hero himself does not notice, as it turns out only a few pillars of the city.
Skills and abilities - still not clarified the relation between the concepts of <skills> and <skill>. Most psychologists and educators believe that the skill-psychological category higher than skills. Teachers practices adhere to the opposite point of view: the skills represent a higher stage of mastering the exercise and labor actions than skill.
Some authors by the ability to understand the ability to carry on a professional level in any activity, with the ability to form on the basis of several skills that characterize the degree of mastery of action. Therefore, skills preceded skill.
Other authors for the ability to understand the ability to carry out any action, operation. They have the ability to precede the skill, which is seen as a more advanced stage of acquisition activities.
A sign of formation of skill (or skills) is the quality of the action, not the automation: it is possible to automate and incorrectly performed action. - There are two types of monitoring the implementation of the action: a dynamic (with vigorous attention) and tonic (with a minimum intensity of attention). The first control is more concerned with understanding the action function, the second - with a tracking function for a program of action.
Knowing the man, and what to do, the formation of a dynamic stereotype and the emergence of a sense of self does not required a thorough and continuous dynamic control when formed skill. Action Automation is the ability to switch control of the action in the control of the result of the action and the ability to switch attention to the external situation.
The ability (skill) is the action to take in a certain way with a certain quality.
When a person is reading a book, checking semantic and stylistic content of it, then read the letters and words is done automatically. When he reads the manuscript to detect typos in it, then the control already sent pas perception of letters and words, and semantic side is written goes by the wayside. But in that and in other case, the person is able to read, and this skill he brought to the skill level.
Skills is automated-conscious components of human actions, which are produced in the process of its implementation. Skill appears as deliberately automated action and then functions as an automated way of its implementation. The fact that this action was a skill, means that an individual as a result of exercise gained the ability to carry out this operation without making her perform his conscious purpose.

Monday 18 April 2016

What is email?

Email - the main means of communication
Internet and is considered the oldest online service.
Its existence it began in the mid 70s.

Its principle of operation is quite simple: you connect to the computer system,write a letter and send it to the person whose computer is connected to the other system. The message goes through a maze of interconnected computer systems, until it reaches its destination.

With the help of e-mail processing program you can not only
send text messages, and attach files to emails other
types: documents, spreadsheets, graphics, audio and video files.

E-mail is similar to ordinary mail.
Only instead of pen and paper, you use the keyboard,
typing letters in the text box, the mail program or web browser.
Sending by pressing the "Send" or similar.

In the role of post offices are the e-mail servers, and Internet channels are postmen. Mail servers store the electronic mailboxes of the users. As soon as the user looks in his mailbox, he immediately saw the letters received. And then - a matter of a few minutes (or seconds) to read it.

Personal Mailbox - disk space on the mail server, dedicated for storing inbound and outbound user messages.

After connecting to the mail server, the user can:

• placed in a mailbox for outgoing messages;
• withdraw from the mailbox inbox.

For inexperienced users specify, that your mailbox on the mail
server - this is the internet and does not fill your computer's memory.
You can store in folders on the server you need a letter. I specify that I question, because faced with the users, which remove all the letters, immediately after reading them. And on mail servers, and social networks. Explaining this to the fact they do not want to score the memory of your computer.

How to create e-mail ?

In today's Internet to do without at least one e-mail address is quite difficult. Not only do you lose a convenient means of communication with family and friends who live far away, with business partners, you can not create virtually the same service in the web.

We have already seen what the e-mail and how does it work, now let's move on to the practice. Let's look at the process of creating a mailbox on Gmail free mail example.

Quite popular free e-mail from the American search engine Gmail. To start the registration process, open your browser site and click on the link "Create your mailbox."

Login or email

Fill opened form, enter your name or come up with fictional details, but then in the case of hacking your mailbox or lost the password, you will be hard to prove their rights to it.

Username may contain only Latin characters, numbers, dashes and dots. login Accessibility for registration is made as it is set. Treat the choice of login seriously, do not write nonsense, because your mailbox is in some ways your business card on the Internet.

Step 1

Press a button and move on to the second step registration mailbox. You come up with a password to access your mailbox. It is not recommended to use the same password to log in to various services. In case you run the risk of breaking lose access to all your accounts at once. The password must be reliable, exclusive selection of its brute force. Do not use your name, last name, nickname, 123, qwerty, god and so on.

Fill in the remaining fields at its own discretion, enter the characters from the image at the bottom of the form and press the button "Register".

Step 2

You receive congratulations on the successful registration of the mailbox Gmail. You can enter your phone number and age or immediately go to your new mailbox by pressing the "start using".


The mailbox you offer to make a quick setting-mail or you can do it later and go directly to your mailbox.

Quick setup

In it you already have included a letter from Gmail. To proceed to read the letter, it is necessary for it to click. There are several folders for easy storage mail inside a mailbox. To the right of the folder name, the numbers indicate the number of letters in it.

The folders in the mailbox

Inbox - here gets all incoming mail, except for spam.

Sent - Outgoing mail is stored here.

Deleted - the letters which have been removed temporarily stored here (depending on settings)

Spam - incoming emails identified Gmail system as spam are placed in this folder.

Drafts - keep the letters that you have marked as a draft.

Movement between folders by clicking on its title. The contents of the folder is displayed right in the main window.

To write a new letter it is necessary to press "send."

Write a letter

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Sunday 17 April 2016

Knowledge in Ebola and Zika virus

WHO Director-General opens the European Medical Corps

Dr. Margaret Chan
Director General of the World Health Organization

Speech at the opening of the European Medical Corps
Brussels, Belgium
February 15, 2016

In my time as a young doctor, I took delivery. Today were born a very healthy child.

Responding to an outbreak of Ebola in West Africa has become the most extensive logistics operations in connection with an infectious disease since the elimination of the 1979 outbreak of smallpox in the Horn of Africa.
At the time of start of the outbreak more than two years ago, humanity and WHO have been poorly prepared for the deployment of retaliatory measures of this magnitude. We have experienced a shortage of everything, including medical teams. The situation has changed thanks to the support of the European Union, which has played a crucial role in overcoming the Ebola outbreak.

You had mass support, which included the second dement of experts and direction of medical teams, construction of special treatment centers and operational bases, training forces of European civil society organizations, the use of military aircraft and ships to deliver much-needed mobile laboratories, motorcycles and huge amounts of equipment and materials.

The support provided by you facilitate reciprocal activities far beyond the European region. Your efforts to ensure medical evacuation and medical assistance to participants to respond to an outbreak of open possibilities for directing teams of emergency medical care and public health professionals from around the world.

Outbreak of Ebola has become very sharp wake-up call. Humanity is never more should not be taken by surprise, so unprepared to face the challenges. All that can be done in advance, must make the most urgent way.

In the framework of such readiness delegates last year's World Health Assembly, invited me to create a global talent pool to respond to emergencies in the health field. This presentation of the European Medical Corps is an important milestone in achieving this goal. It is the culmination of the joint work of WHO / EU for the last year to establish standards to ensure the quality, classification and registration of medical teams to respond to emergencies.

housing starts today is a visible and highly effective contribution to the strengthening of global personnel for emergency response in the area of ​​public health. I thank you all for everything you have done. In this case it embodies much more than knowledge in the field of public health and medical teams.

It includes medical evacuation team, logistics team, with skills repair damaged hospitals, management of incidents and information management, as well as mobile laboratories and materials for them. I congratulate you on the first contribution to the global health workforce, you set an example for others to follow others.

The basis of a public health system that can respond to outbreaks and emergencies, is laid on the national level. European Medical Corps and its "voluntary pool" based on the national capacity to respond, which may be provided for use by other countries facing emergency. This is extremely important, not only at the regional level, but also in the global response becomes necessary.

Emergency response to complement national capacities through regional capacity always more timely, predictable, effective and relevant.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

What do today together the EU and WHO, organizes a situation that has become chaotic, with increased amounts, scope and severity of health emergencies to unprecedented levels.

When you create an outbreak of Ebola have been taken into account European Medical Corps, as well as the results of previous response to sudden emergencies, such as earthquakes, floods and tropical storms.

The turning point came five years ago when, after the earthquake in Haiti, there are numerous low-skilled rushed, not coordinated and poorly equipped rescue workers. According to many observers, emergency assistance in Haiti has brought more harm than good.

In order to avoid chaos, the global system has been established to ensure the quality of medical teams to respond to emergencies, categorize their skills and to register them as an element of global preparedness for sudden natural disasters. This system allows you to quickly and carefully pick up medical teams in accordance with the specific needs and eliminates uncoordinated and inadequate assistance.

This system dramatically changed the response to the typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, the cyclone Pam in Vanuatu and the earthquake in Nepal, where 98% of the 149 medical teams were registered and jointly coordinated by WHO and the Ministry of Health and Population.

These more recent examples demonstrate the possibility of a global health workforce and the changes they may bring. This is a manifestation of global solidarity. Together, we will never allow other viruses to get out of control. We owe it to more than 11,000 people have died of Ebola ─ be better prepared.

I am fully convinced that the European Medical Corps will mark a paradigm shift in the global preparedness for outbreaks and emergencies.

I repeat: the return on this achievement goes well beyond Europe. Your work closely duplicated in similar efforts in Southeast Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and the Western Pacific.

Many of you mentioned disease virus Zika as the source of the next global crisis. Between Ebola Zikoy and there are many differences. Ebola is one of the most deadly pathogens planet. Zika virus has no reputation of people killer. Since the first appearance of Ebola in 1976, we learned a lot about the disease. About Zika virus, we know very little, and we are just beginning to understand its features.

The risk of spreading the virus Zika high. Zika virus is transmitted primarily through mosquito species Aedes aegypti, which are present in many equatorial and subtropical countries.

These mosquitoes can breed in tiny containers, such as plastic cups and lids from bottles. The responsibility for the fight against mosquitoes is to every family. Two-thirds of these mosquitoes live on the premises, not outside. Each family must contribute to the elimination of breeding sites. Governments can not do it alone.

In accordance with existing knowledge, Zika virus causes most people to easily flowing disease, and 80% of those infected have no symptoms. Most people recover. A great concern to us pregnant women. In the case of virus infection can have children born with small heads or other neurological disorders. Science has not yet given a definitive answer, but we have more conclusive evidence.

February 1, WHO announced an emergency situation in the field of public health emergency of international concern, because of gaps in our knowledge about the disease and the virus and its possible association with congenital anomalies. You can not imagine the stress, anxiety and heartfelt contrition, experiencing family with babies suffering from microcephaly. Raising these children is difficult, and they are a heavy burden on families and local communities.

WHO was requested to declare the state of emergency on the experts' recommendations. The work of WHO is coordinating the efforts of the best minds in the conduct of scientific research that would clarify this relationship.

I especially want to mention the case study, which was published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was a series of very fine studies by European experts. This study gives us the most convincing factual information about the presence of a possible association between infection during pregnancy and microscopically.

Ebola require mass support and the mobilization of teams, and many tons of material. The disease is caused by a virus Zika, it requires mass mobilization of local communities. At the moment, mosquito control is an advanced line of defense.

We also need to empower women with information that will allow them to make difficult decisions. The evidence is now compelling enough to recommend pregnant women to consider postponing the trip to a country where the virus is circulating. It is also important to prevent the surrender of persons blood returning from travel to such countries. The European countries have a very high quality guidelines to ensure safe blood supplies.

The disease is caused by a virus Zika is not a deadly disease like Ebola, but it brings sorrow to the families.

Friday 15 April 2016

The genius of communication.

 How do they become?
Effective communication fragment Steve Nakamoto books. The genius of communication. How do they become? - M .: Peter, 2010
Effective communication skills distinguish man successful. Not able to communicate doomed to lack of friends, clients and subordinates!
Learn. Expand the scope of the dialogue.
That's what learning: you suddenly realize what they knew all my life, but in a new way.

Learn: 1. to master skills through serious study and orderly practice. 2. acquire the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and strategies through research, training, experience, which leads to a stable, measurable and significant changes modus operandi. 3. As is understood in this book - to become more flexible and effective, regardless of the situation due to the assimilation of different styles of communication.
You are one step closer to being open to a winner!
Limited communication skills limit the size of your audience and the variety of situations in which you may be successful. One of your primary goals as a future genius of communication - to expand its capacity by examining a variety of new ways to communicate with others. So you are ready to successful interaction with any person with whom will face in their personal or professional life.
The two-hour finale of the fifth and most successful season of the popular music show "American Idol" has collected more than 200 million viewers from around the world. Ultimately, Taylor Hicks, 29-year-old singer in the style of soul (southern rhythm and blues) from Alabama won a decisive victory over Katharine McGhee California and became crowned American Idol the year.
Although the show has repeatedly been criticized for being too hype and called the karaoke contest, during the years of its existence, it has become much more exciting and stylistically diverse. The individual steps competitions were devoted to music in styles mouton, rock, Broadway, big band, and country, in order to demonstrate the versatility and talent of each participant. Those who showed himself to be too weak in a particular genre, the judge excluded from the competition.
The winner of "American Idol" season five was a man who won the sympathy of 63 million viewers (the number of votes received is not even a US president!), According to the calculations carried out in the last week of the contest. Taylor Hicks achieved this thanks to a wonderful combination of musical talent, charisma and talent to attract the audience, the ability to produce the effect of personal charm - qualities that he displayed throughout the many weeks of the song contest.
Engage you in the show "American Idol" or simply talking with people, the ability to communicate confidently in a variety of styles to attract you to a wider audience. Mastering this book new styles of interaction with people, you will learn to gain the attention of an increasing number of people that will make you feel comfortable in a variety of situations.
Challenge yourself - leave outside the comfort zone
The gap between your current ability to perform certain tasks, and your performance in the future can be overcome through training. If you are determined to achieve mastery, put new goals, have fun with the process and, in the end, you will achieve greater success in any field, what would choose.
To become a genius of communication, it is necessary to achieve excellence in many fields. As I mentioned above, one of the most important tasks - to develop the flexibility to communicate effectively in a variety of situations. Unfortunately, most of us owns a limited set of communication styles, so is able to interact well with certain people only.
When I started a tour guide, I had to learn to communicate effectively with people of various social status and age groups. Often I led a group of tourists from the UK, Australia, South Africa, Canada and Israel. In addition, I have worked with the Americans, among whom were students, alumni, religious, pensioners and businessmen.
I tried to make a good impression on tourists, and each group put me in front of a new, unique challenge. For example, the students had to "be cool and whip around," and businessmen needed a professional who knows how to clearly express. Seniors waiting for me to mature, and foreigners were eager that I as fiercely as they admired the beauty of America.
Once a group of the faithful from Los Angeles, complained to me of the tour company that I worked with them, he showed his inappropriate sense of humor, and I almost got fired. Another time, tourists from Texas San Antonio almost gave me the traditional tip, as felt that I treated them completely disregard. In both cases I worked with these people is not very high quality, primarily because of their reaction to me was immediately negative, which, frankly, I'm hurt. But I learned a lot, hitting the sights of his critics, especially about how to constantly control their own actions and to expand the horizons of communication.
Now the progress that I have made over the years ekskursovodcheskoy practice helped me to become more effective in their professional activities as an author and speaker in the personal communication. This also contributed to the willingness to expand the comfort zone and to tolerate short-lived pain with the prospect of eventually achieve success.
Expand the scope of communication
Understand that to make significant progress can not be a simple and fast way. To expand its capabilities, you have to set such tasks, which initially seems uncomfortable.
The following tips will help you to expand the range of communication styles, so that you're ready for any situation that may confront you life.
Meet often with different people
Practice the art of communication, tying a conversation with different people. Let your interlocutor will be the cashier at the supermarket, people from the queue in the bank, waiting for admission to your doctor, a neighbor, walk the dog. How about to become a regular at the cafe, to join the club of readers to visit a group tour of the sights of the city or go on a training course? A very pleasant social experience!
Optimally, meet people of all ages, from children to pensioners, as well as cultures with compatriots, immigrants and tourists from other countries. The idea is that you get more experience of communicating in many different styles and train their ability to speak, to overcome embarrassment and strengthen confidence.
Talk less, listen more
Perhaps the most simple advice. Easily move the focus of attention from himself to another person significantly improve your effectiveness in communicating. As long as you practice this skill, you are likely to learn how to better listen to and capture the most subtle nuances of the manner of communication of your interlocutors.
If you are shy by nature, say any more
Shyness - this is one of those tests that you have to grin and bear constantly overcome. We all find ourselves in the situation and environment in which we are not very comfortable, and the ability to speak does not come by itself. But when shyness becomes a standard style of your communication with people, it severely limits the quality and quantity of your relationships. Newcomers to the successful communication I advise to enter into short-lived or non-committal conversation. Talk about simple topics that are close to each. For example, ask: "Do you often find yourself in traffic jams on the way to work", "What do you think, why now this strange weather?", "What do you think about these outrageous prices for gasoline?" Say a few words, and let the opportunity to speak to his companion.
Adjust the speed and volume to your speech produces a variety of effects.
There are times when you need to be selective in what you say and / or change the speed and volume of your monologue. For example, telling a story, it is important to overlook insignificant details, to get to the bottom before the listeners' attention will be weakened. The voice must be energetic and share your excitement to show others that you are genuinely excited by what you are talking about. On the other hand, sometimes you need to slow down to make contact with those who by nature prefers to speak more slowly. Furthermore, it should change the voice volume and rate of speech, to avoid monotony.
Develop communication skills and self-confidence, telling jokes
You can learn how to tell jokes - this is an additional way to improve your communication skills. Telling jokes, you will learn how to present the story quickly, vividly describe the situation with equanimity and speak the culmination. Couple things to keep in mind: first, the content of your jokes should be no insult; Secondly, we should not laugh at his own joke, as long as you did not finish it until the end. You can also buy a DVD with performances of your favorite comedian, to see how telling jokes and funny stories professionals, keeping the audience's attention. Again and again, looking record, you'll notice a number of useful techniques and be able to develop your own style of narration.
Practice in a more formal speeches
When I was 10 years old, my family moved to Palos Verdes, Los Angeles suburb, home to upper middle class. I immediately noticed how well the kids there said. I remember one night I was confronted with his classmate in places-rated restaurant, and marveled at how smoothly and without hesitation my age introduced me to his parents. He said, "Mom and Dad, I want to introduce you to my friend Steve Nakamoto. Steve and I are learning in one class. Steve, this is my mom and dad. " Improving your communication skills in a more formal situations, you will master the communication style that will help you out in different social situations, giving you greater confidence and efficiency.
Develop and informal style of communication
Make sure you do not leave people indifferent and casual conversation. Twenties guys with whom I play volleyball on the beach, just greet me: "Wow, dude" style of energetic and frivolous talk. They talk and constantly moving. And usually they try to make you laugh or smile. This is a good way of conversation, when every day you need to visit hundreds of places and interact with many people.
Study and emulate the style of others
The next time you watch a television talk show, note how popular hosts communicate with an audience. Have you watched the Gem Leno, Oprah Winfrey, David Letterman, Ellen Lee DeGeneres or Mantel Williams, notice their facial expression, gestures, tone of voice changes, as well as the way to listen, ask questions, compliment and tell stories. You will be able to accelerate its growth, watching and learning from valuable skills in these geniuses of communication.
If you want to increase your capabilities go beyond their comfort zone to expand as a result of it and make a big step in the learning process. To start, pay attention to details and think over how you can improve your style of communication. Then set ourselves the task, which will be a test for you in that direction. The knowledge, however extensive they may be, they are of little use if you do not immediately apply them in practice.
Perform the task on the day!
From the above tips to choose one, which you can easily follow today. Now find another and plan to put it into practice tomorrow. After day after day through a list of tips and put yourself one task per day.
At the end of each day, reflect on the fact that you have reached. What did you learn during practice? How can you be proud? Do not come if you can think of other ideas that would help you expand your social circle? If so, give yourself a special task to test them in practice in the next few days. Continue this cycle of continuous self-improvement with the conviction that in front of you waiting for a generous reward.
Remember, to say, as a genius of communication in the broadest sense, you have to learn, as a genius of communication. To do this, you need to follow one simple rule: Expand your social circle. Once you realize the importance of this essential component of successful communication, you will only have to pick up new ideas, creative approach to business, and regularly make sure in this thought until until it becomes familiar to you. If you're really in love with the process, you can easily achieve victory!